Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sugar Sugar Sugar!

1. J'adore les bonbons, 2. Brigadeiro Decorado, 3. Cupcake Heaven., 4. Cupcake Heaven <3

For part of my iCiNG Transformation Challenge, I'm cutting out sugar this month, not counting Valentine's Day. This is probably going to be the hardest part for me, (as I love my Sprite and Lemonheads!) so I'm thinking of some ways to be sure I don't 'cheat'.

-Check in with D, daily. He's Mr. Nutrition, so if I scarf sugar at some point and he catches me, it won't be pretty. (He enjoys merciless teasing and practices daily.)

-Budget all my money out for other things. This is something I've already been trying to do, I need to save more for school, so if I have set amounts for tithe, savings, that sort of thing it'll be harder to come up with the money to cheat!

-Avoid Wal-Mart and Kroger. I live next to to a Kroger store (literally!) and I can walk there in 15 seconds, which is good when I'm out of milk, but really bad when I'm wanting to cut down my sugar intake.
-Come up with good alternatives! I love fruit, so I'll be eating tons of it; I can buy cranberry juice that has Splenda instead of sugar (yes, Splenda is bad. I know.); and chocolate rice cakes are really sweet but have only 4 grams of sugar in them. (Awesome!)

Now I only need to figure out a way to drink sugarless coffee without gagging, and I'll be set...

1 comment:

  1. try mixing some stevia in with your coffee, it's actually quite good.


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